Code of Ethics

Talent Futures coaches are members of one or more of the following coaching organisations: Association for Coaching United Kingdom (ACUK), European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC), and the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

As a professional external coaching consultancy, our clients are not only individuals, but the organisation as a whole, the division or department of the individual, the individual’s manager, and the HR contact.

We adhere to the ACUK and EMCC’s joint Global Code of Ethics.

We also adhere to our own Talent Futures Coaching Code of Ethics as follows:



  • Whether with the coaching client, HR sponsor, or coaching sponsor, we establish the boundaries of confidentiality at the beginning of the relationship and maintain them.

  • When coaching sponsors or HR sponsors request ad hoc updates, we first confirm with the coaching client what will be discussed.

Transparency and avoiding conflict of interest

  • The same coach cannot work with a Direct Report and his/her Manager unless several months have passed since one coaching engagement ended and the next one begins.
  • When members of the same team have coaching, they each may have a different coach, if needed, to prevent a conflict of interest.
  • While a coach may work with one team in team coaching, if ongoing individual support is to be given as well, other coaches are provided for this. Alternately, 2 or 3 coaches will share in coaching both the team and its individual members to avoid conflict of interest by reporting line or proximity of coach.

Ensuring best practice

  • Coaching support is time-bound, not continuous.
  • Psychometrics and 360 feedback are used only when they would add value, not as an automatic function of a coaching engagement.
  • Coaching goal plans are written for coaching engagements.
  • Coaching sponsors are arranged for each coaching engagement. For CEO level coaching, a board member may serve as sponsor, or it may be appropriate for there not to be a sponsor.
  • Coaching review meetings at the conclusion of engagements are held. The individual client shares with his/her coaching sponsor how s/he has changed and what achievements have been made. The coach facilitates this meeting and ensures a new development plan is agreed between client and sponsor for the ongoing development of the client after coaching ends.
  • All Talent Futures coaches maintain regular individual supervision to share concerns and issues and continue their personal development. Regular supervision ensures prompt and effective management of any difficulties that may arise in best serving the client, and continual refreshment and learning of the coach.
  • We coach each other to ensure that Talent Futures coaches are of a continuing high caliber.

Protecting the organisation’s investment

  • In the instance when a coach does not feel the fit is right for progress to be made with a client, the coach does not accept the work.
  • If a client needs counseling support, a referral is made discreetly. If the coach believes the timing is not right for coaching, s/he will make this clear to the organisation in a manner that is agreed with the client.
  • We work with the client’s existing psychometric data if it is less than two years old.
  • When a coaching engagement requires 360 feedback, we seek a solution that is appropriate to the situation (online or verbal) and the client’s budget.

2013 © Talent Futures, Ltd.  Updated 2024.  All rights reserved.